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Introducing Our New Physical Activity Level Rating System

March 06, 2024

While we don’t offer “adventure” or “walking” tours, walking is an essential element of our trips. The amount of walking varies, but you should be in relatively good health to enjoy our tours to the fullest. To help you assess whether a tour is right for you, you’ll find a Physical Activity Level rating from 1 to 5 on each of our tours, indicating the level of difficulty: Easy (1), Easy/Moderate (2), Moderate (3), Moderate/Challenging (4), Challenging (5).

See below for more information on where you can find each tour's rating.

NEW: You can now sort the tours on our website by Physical Activity Level. See directions below.


You will find the Physical Activity Level rating on each tour page in the left sidebar just below the itinerary map and temperature chart.



On the website, the Physical Activity Level rating appears at the top of each tour page just below the Tour Days/Tour Membership information. When you click the blue rating level, you will see a pop-up box listing that tour's specific rigors.


If you click on the blue link at the bottom of the pop-up box (circled above), you will be taken to a page with the general definitions of each Physical Activity Level.

NEW: Sort tours by Physical Activity Level

To sort our tours by Physical Activity Level, click the Explore All Tours button on our homepage.

In the left sidebar of the All Tour Offerings page you will now see check boxes for the different Physical Activity Levels as filtering options.

You can click one Physical Activity Level or multiple to see the tours that fall under those rating levels. The countries listed below the Physical Activity check boxes reflect the destinations matching the levels you've chosen.

In the box with the dropdown arrow under the word "Sort", you can also filter all tours from Easy to Challenging and Challenging to Easy.

Take note of the “Reset Filters” button above the box with the dropdown arrow. If you select a number of filters and then want to go back and select a different set of criteria, you can hit this button to clear previous selections.


My Odyssey Guest Portal

Guests with active reservations will see the Physical Activity Level rating displayed in the My Odyssey guest portal when they click on the "Upcoming Reservations" tab.


Just like the website, when you click the blue Physical Activity Level rating, you will see a pop-up box listing the specific rigors for that tour.


We hope this new Physical Activity Level rating system will help you make a more informed decision when choosing your next Odysseys adventure.

Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET

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