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Learn About Worldwide Coffee Rituals from Odysseys Tour Directors

October 14, 2020

Throughout what has been an unexpected year (to say the least), we at Odysseys still find ourselves seeking new experiences and ways to remain connected to our guests, our tour directors, and the world at large. As we continue through the year, we look to find joy in each day and, in many cases, this is found in the simple, routine things like our morning coffee or tea.  The world may look different these days, but fortunately, our coffee doesn't have to!  Wherever you are reading this, we hope you enjoy a few glimpses into the morning rituals of our tour directors across the globe. And if you're interested, click on the regions or countries to explore our 2021 and 2022 tours.


Wenche Rossvoll, Scandinavia

As you can see I take much time with my coffee. If I’m in a hurry I use the machine and the capsules from Nespresso. But now since I have time I just got a grinder and then I buy the beans. The beans are the best from Italy. And when you grind your beans and make the coffee immediately in a pressure glass it’s the best.  Coffee is not just coffee -- it’s all about the taste.  If anybody comes to Oslo I have coffee, so you’re more than welcome!  

Maggie Millar, Ireland

Like most Irish people, I'm a tea drinker!! Although, more and more Irish people are drinking coffee now.  We've even got Starbucks here!!  However, when I do have a coffee, it has to be an Irish Coffee, of course!! It's made with hot black coffee, sugar and Irish whiskey (that's the best part!!) and some whipped cream placed on top. It's delicious! That's my tipple on Saint Patrick's Day! And as we say in Ireland, SLÁINTE (that's Gaelic for 'Cheers')!  

Chiara Baroni, Italy & the Alps

I love coffee. It's the most important thing for me to have in the morning as soon as I wake up. However, although I am Italian I don't drink espresso, nor the Italian moka coffee. I love filter coffee, no sugar, a dash of milk. My Italian friends used to mock me for that, they called it" sbroscia", which is Tuscan slang for a thin, insipid liquid. I love it nonetheless and the fact that I live in Germany helps a lot. They do great filter coffee over there!  

Massimiliano "Max" Di Leva, Germany & the Alps

I was born on the southern coast of the Italian peninsula, in a city that boasts of making the best coffee in the world: Napoli!  Coffee means a lot to me as it brings together memory, tradition, and identity.  For Neapolitans, coffee is way more than a simple beverage. It is a way of coming together, showing affection, and finding comfort. We will celebrate the happiest moments drinking coffee and in contrast, when someone dies, we will bring sugar and coffee to the family.  I lived for many years in a shared flat where every afternoon, one of my roommates would knock on the doors of the others and say the magic words... ..."coffee anyone?" It was more powerful than “open sesame.” It would get every single room unlocked. We would then all gather in the kitchen and spend some time together, no matter what we had been doing. Now that I live on my own, coffee is still an essential part of my traditions. The ritual of making it in the morning always brings me peace and joy at the start of a new day. As I always say, I am thankful for experiencing three things in life. First, the perfect counterpoint of Bach´s fugues. Secondly, the calming sound of the waves as they break on the shore and finally, the exciting smell of coffee as it comes out of the coffee machine. Coffee anyone?


Jose Tejedor, Spain & Portugal

I'm afraid I will disappoint you chaps, cause I don't drink coffee, only tea. It has to be black tea, English breakfast type, with a cloud of milk. [My] favourite brands are PG's, Bewley's or Fortnum & Mason Christmas spiced blend.  

Blaz Bostjancic, Spain & Portugal

Here in the Basque Country, I take coffee with ice and a pintxos just before entering to work. Summers are hot in Spain, so we pour the coffee into a glass with ice.  That makes the coffee break more refreshing.  

Central & South America

Efraín Vidalón, Peru

I would like to share this information about one special type of coffee produced in Peru, that was a few years ago the most expensive coffee in the world. The process of making this type of coffee started in Indonesia with the name of Kopi-Luwak. Kopi means coffee and Luwak means civet.  Thanks to certain movies you have probably heard about the Indonesian poop coffee, Kopi-Luwak. This coffee is made in a very similar process, however using a Civet instead of a Coati.  These animals are fed coffee cherries & other fruits by coffee growers. Unable to be fully digested by their digestive system, the coffee cherry is partially broken down by enzymes. Then nature happens.  Workers carefully wash and dry this product, then mill it to extract the bean, which is then roasted. Once this process is complete, all that remains are the beautifully scented coffee beans, ready for consumption! Firsthand reports say this coffee is almost devoid of bitterness, yet is still full-bodied with tastes of various jungle fruits.  

Gastón McKay, Patagonia

I'm attaching a picture of my "loyal" cafe latte with foam of every morning, expecting to read in the news the launch of the new vaccine!!  

Australia & the South Pacific

Sharron Hickman, New Zealand

Sadly I do not drink coffee. I enjoy the smell of coffee!  However, there is an interesting situation regarding growing coffee in New Zealand.  There is one coffee plantation in Northland in the North Island.  This is remarkable because the coffee trees at this plantation are 1200 kilometres (about 745 miles) outside the coffee-growing belt.  Learn more about Ikarus, which was established in 2008 and is located in the Pekerau Hill Country. In 2012, they also established New Zealand’s only coffee growing project.  

Hayley Anderson, Australia & New Zealand

Travelling around the beautiful Indonesian island of Flores, we found ourselves in a shabby, dire, uninspiring town having to wait 3 days for a flight out.  No amount of money could buy anything near a habitable room nor decent food. An international road race was due to pass through and everything was full for miles around!  Across the road from our ‘desperate’ room, was a small establishment with racks of washing drying outside.  We thought it was probably a laundry but on closer inspection it turned out to be a small café. Two cups of wonderful, strong, local coffee laced with fresh ginger, arrived along with a huge smile, at our wobbly, little table.  With these coffees and smiles every morning, we faced the days with renewed enthusiasm!  

Tessa Clarke, Australia & New Zealand

Coffee… without it my early mornings would not be the same… New Zealand has quite a huge coffee culture, to the extent that you have to be careful not to be labelled a “coffee snob." I think I might be turning into one as I am a bit fussy about the brand I drink…my favourite is Allpress ART Espresso . My morning coffee is a very strong, Short Black... I love it that the smell of coffee wafts its way through the house and wakes it and me up.  

Rosemary "Rosie" Stewart, Australia & New Zealand

I don't drink lots of coffee these days but I grow it!  Here's a photo of one of my coffee bush's flowers - they have masses of them, all smelling and looking beyond fabulous, followed by masses of big red coffee berries. One day I'll  have a go at processing them into a cup of coffee!  My coffee drinking/making method is unexciting and uninteresting:  grinding whole beans then using my French press to make it.  Nothing exotic.  But I loved your Turkish guide's video about how to make Turkish coffee, specially the outdoor aspect of it. Cute!  

Asia & the Far East

Makiko "Kiko" Kumazawa, Japan

My most favorite coffee is Maruyama Coffee which started its operation in 1990 here in Karuizawa, where I live...  The commitment of Maruyama as a coffee roastery as well as the coffee shop includes the unique procurement method of good quality coffee beans from all over the world through building the relationship of mutual trust  between Maruyama and the coffee farms, developing the high skill of roasting coffee beans and the ‘barista’ coffee brewing personnel training.  Maruyama coffee is served to customers with ‘French press’ style at their coffee shops. However, my morning first brew in my garden is a pour-over style coffee with accompaniment of birds chirping.  The well-balanced taste of Maruyama coffee with nice flavor and astringency is truly ‘food (drink) for thought’ for my self-reflection time at the end of the day as well.  

Africa & the Middle East

Hassan Rakmi, Morocco

Coffee has a vital role in the social life also in Morocco, besides mint tea, the national drink . People enjoy their coffee to perform their work, to learn and study, to do business, to communicate.  Coffee is also in the Moroccan culture providing to connect friends, colleagues and families. For me as a tour guide, it is the way to communicate even better with my guests and to share experiences with them.  I prefer traditional Moroccan coffee: spiced, it is not served in street cafes, it is typically made at home and can be ceremonial. I like to [cut back] on the cinnamon and ginger and add a pinch of anise seeds, cloves, thyme, black and white pepper, some nutmeg husks, [and] cardamom.  All these spices should be grounded, and you need to mix a coffee spoon of this mixture of spices with two table spoons of coffee for two cups of coffee.  

Augustine Mbuya, Tanzania

... I live in [the] Kilimanjaro region where we grow coffee arabica... I don’t buy coffee at all, I grow my own coffee for our own use. I love coffee, I drink a lot of coffee especially in the morning. Coffee helps me focus and stay alert.  First, I harvest the ripened cherries by using hands, then I remove the pulp from the coffee cherry leaving the seed or bean which I then sun dry. I then prepare coffee drink from roasted coffee beans, I roast beans and ground and then brew with boiling water to produce the beverage. So the coffee travels from the field to my cup.

Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET

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