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Airline Travel

In the Event of Flight Delays

In the event of a delay on your Odysseys-arranged flight which results in a missed airline connection, proceed directly to the customer service desk for the airline on which the missed flight was booked.  You must work directly with this airline to re-protect you on the next available flight to your final destination.  The airline itself, not Odysseys, offers the best way for you to rebook your flight; at that point, we will not have access to the most up-to-date information to best facilitate your travel.

If this happens as you depart for your trip, we ask that you call Odysseys Unlimited to advise us of your revised itinerary so that we may arrange transportation for you upon your arrival.  During business hours (Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time), please call toll-free: (888) 370-6765 or (617) 454-9100.  After opening hours, you can reach a staff member on our emergency line:
(339) 222-7456.


Staying Healthy While Flying

Travel Tip

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

The air on planes is extremely dry and can cause dehydration.  To avoid this, drink little or no alcohol or caffeine and drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight.  Note that on most international flights, beverages and snacks are available in the galley, even if flight attendants are not wheeling the carts through the cabin.

Travel Tip

Exercise on the plane.

It’s a good idea to take frequent walks in the aisles and, if possible, do isometric exercises at your seat, or at the least move your ankles and feet periodically to help prevent the swelling that often results from long plane trips.  Medical experts recommend “pumping your feet” while seated by alternately lifting your toes and heels to increase blood flow and decrease the risk of blood clots and pulmonary embolisms.  You may also want to consider wearing compression stockings for this purpose.

Travel Tip

Take precautions against illnesses.

Close cabin quarters, jet lag, and prolonged sitting can all impact your immune health.  Bring several medical-grade masks to use during your flight and pack a small bottle of moisturizing hand sanitizer to use, especially before eating or touching your face.  Antibacterial wipes are helpful to clean your seat armrests, table, the plane bathroom, and other surfaces before touching them.

Travel Tip

Get some sleep.

Napping remains the easiest way to make flights feel shorter and is also important to prevent feeling groggy after your flight.  After all, jet lag ranks as every traveler’s worst enemy.  You can read more tips on in-flight sleep here: How to Beat Jet Lag.


For more information about air travel with Odysseys Unlimited, please visit our blog post: Flying 101: FAQ About Air Travel with Odysseys Unlimited.

Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET

Share your great adventures with us on social media. Tag your pictures with #myodyssey and they may be featured on our website!

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